Lisa Lake/Getty Images Entertainment
Lisa Lake/Getty Images Entertainment

I lost another pound people! I'm not really happy about only losing a pound, but it's better than gaining one back.

I walked for an hour a few days, hit the gym for two days and watched what I ate!

The answer is yes and no. I was really, really good till the weekend. And I was really. really good during the first part of the week. So what happened over the weekend?

I ate out on Friday night, because I had no power at my house. I also met some friends on Saturday after our flea and farmers market was over with in Greene.  I was exhausted on Sunday and over ate when it came to dinner.

Sunday's food consumption included a Chocolate frosted doughnut (270 calories and 15 gm fat)  AND A HERSHEY KING CHOCOLATE BAR (360 calories 21 gm fat) Bacon Egg and cheese bagel (560 calories, 27 grams fat) .. That's 1190 calories. 131 carbs, 63 grams fat... In only 3 items

          It's amazing that I lost any weight at all!

Here's what I learned from last time I lost weight, that sometimes it's just as important when you eat, as what you eat. Eating within 2 or 3 hours of bedtime... not good! You'll tend to hang onto a few more calories because your body is not burning much of them off. Plus you will sleep much better if your belly if free of food for a few hours.

Also, eating a chocolate bar is just bad-bad-bad. I'm no doctor or nutritionist, but it seems that my metabolism stops-stops-stops when I eat a Milky Way or Almond Joy.

Now, why did I go so banana's over the weekend? What is my magic food 'trigger?' It's exhaustion and/or lack of sleep. When I'm tired, really-really tired, I just don't care what goes in my mouth. I'm searching for comfort foods and lots of it. So that's what I need to deal with and prepare for.
                                            What's your trigger?
It would be helpful for you to know. Is it going out with friends? Wing Night at the pub? Maybe you just have a very busy schedule and you don't prepare your meals the way you should. Education and information is the key to losing weight, getting health and keeping the weight off.

Now that the busy weekends are over for me, I should be able to kick the weight loss in the Butt! Next week will show marked improvement! Trust me, I do not lose! Sign up for it today. Click on community and then on groups and search 'big wallys loser club'. Also friend request (wallywess) That's me. And let's get started down the road to a health more fit you.

Big Wally is not a doctor or nutritionist. This blog is meant to be inspirational in nature. Always see your physician before starting any diet or exercise routine.

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