How Far Away Is Spring?
54 days as of January 25th. Are you in the midst of the winter doldrums? We are now one third the way through winter, and that doesn't sound encouraging for those us who are fans of spring and summer.
But we'll get there soon. A week from now Punxsutawney Phil will give us his prediction of whether or not we'll see an early spring. And we know just how reliable that prediction usually goes, right?
I'm feeling optimistic since there are signs that the warmer weather season is not too far off. I received a call just last week from the campground where I spend most weekends and vacations about the upcoming activity schedule which I'm a part of, so that made me a bit happy.
And if you've been noticing, daylight hours are getting longer. Has been since December 21st. Each day we see up to two minutes more of daylight. Set your calendars for Sunday March 14th. That's when we get to set our clocks ahead one hour for daylight saving time and begin our final decent into the spring of 2021.
Frankly, I'd like to see changing the time twice per year go to changing the time not at all. I think it messed with us more that is a benefit. And just what is the benefit anyway?
Anyway, we are enjoying more daylight and hopefully sun once in a while. Today, January 25th, daylight hours for Binghamton is 9 hours and 47 minutes. On December 21st, we experienced only 9 hours and 6 minutes of daylight.
On June 20th and 21st, we will be enjoying 15 hours and 15 minutes of daylight, the most for the year. We've got a ways to get there, but let's enjoy the added daylight each day and before you know it, we'll be back in the warmth of spring.

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