Holiday Movies
When it comes to Christmas time, it just wouldn't be the holiday season if I didn't watch some Christmas movies. There are a few that are on my list of must-sees every year at this time. One of them is my favorite movie of all time. I know it's far-fetched and it's a fantasy, but It's a Wonderful Life is my favorite movie of all time. The meaning behind the movie, to me, is what makes it my favorite. And sometimes, I feel like George Bailey, because I end up putting other people's needs in front of my own. But that's okay because I really like the feeling I get when I help someone.
Other must-sees at this time of year, are National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story. We always watch A Christmas Story on DVD before Christmas, and then on Christmas Eve, we will put the marathon on the television and catch bits and pieces of it throughout the day. The only bad part of that movie is when Flick gets his tongue stuck to the flagpole. It gives me flashbacks to when I was younger and I got my tongue stuck to the fence in our backyard. My family never lets me live that down.