Five Completely Random Facts About Beer
Just because you popped the top on a cold one over the weekend, doesn't mean you're a beer connoisseur, but if you really want to be considered one, it all begins with knowledge. Get ready because we're about to lay on you five random facts about beer you probably never knew. Be prepared to be amazed and to amaze your friends when you spill this knowledge!
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People like to toss around the word 'beerology,' but that isn't really a real word. The correct work for studying and making beer is 'zythology.'
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The First Drunk Person
According to Gizmodo, the very first drunk driver was a guy who was riding a chariot in ancient Egypt around 2,000 B.C. He ran over a woman and in turn, was crucified on the door of the tavern where he'd been drinking. Yikes!
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Beer's Connection to Marijuana
Guess what? Popular Science says that the hops in beer come from the same family of flowers as marijuana.
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IPA Beer Isn't a Relatively New Thing
Think IPA beer is a new, "hipster" thing? Nope. It's actually been around since the 1700s. When the British tried to ship beer to India (by sailing all the way around Africa) it would go bad. So what they did was add extra hops to the beer, which made it more powerful and bitter. Those beers were known as India Pale Ales or IPAs.
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Believe it or not, there are some people who legitimately suffer from the fear of an empty beer glass and they're known as suffering from 'cenosillicaphobia.' Suffer from this? Here's a t-shirt for you.