The HGTV Network has a show called 'Home Town Takeover'. The show is searching for cities where the population is under 4,000 that could use some help revitalizing their downtown appearance. Endicott is submitting an entry according to WICZ.

Fox 40 spoke with officials from the Village of Endicott that said they are focusing mainly around Washington Avenue for the entry. There is already a revitalization plan in the works for Washington Ave, and any assistance from 'Home Town Takeover' would help advance those improvements.

A village trustee told the reporter that with the village's rich history as the birthplace of IBM and Endicott Johnson Shoe Company, he thinks that will help catch the attention of the 'Home Town Takeover' producers.

Ben and Erin Napier host a show on HGTV called 'Home Town' and this would be like taking the show on the road.

On their website, Ben is quoted as saying;

Renovating one house at a time is an awesome experience. But the chance to support an entire town, where we help bring a community back to life — that's something we’ve always wanted to try.

Regardless of what city is chosen, the shows are scheduled to be broadcast in 2021. The entry deadline was February 4th according to the HGTV website. and it is unknown when a winner will be selected.

It would be great for Endicott, and surrounding areas for that matter, if they are chosen. Not only would the village get a huge face lift, It would gain awareness around the country and hopefully help boost the local economy.


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