City of Binghamton Names New Police Position
Binghamton Mayor Richard David says a new position in the Police Department aimed at fostering diversity is being filled by a retired City Police Investigator.
The Republican says he has appointed Charles Woody Jr. as Director of Community Outreach and Recruitment.
The $65,000 a year full-time job is a new position created to help diversify the police force.
In a news release from the Mayor's Office, the job is described as a position to "enhance community connections and recruitment efforts to increase the number of individuals taking the annual civil service police officer exam, with a focus on reaching underrepresented demographics in policing personnel."

Woody started with the Binghamton Police Department in 1998 and has been a patrolman, investigator and crime analyst. His resume also includes: teacher at the Civilian Police Academy, recruitment and board member of the Binghamton Boys and Girls Clubs of Binghamton.
Woody retired from the police force in 2018.
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