Christmas as a Child
Like I've said before, I love reminiscing back to Christmases gone by. I remember as a kid filling out my wish-list for Santa and having my parents mail it out. I remember how hard it was to fall asleep on Christmas Eve. Not because I was trying to listen for Santa, but because I was so excited. My parents always told me that if I didn't fall asleep, Santa would skip over our house. Talk about stress. I would try my hardest to fall asleep which for the most part, kept me awake even longer. Every little noise in the house, whether it was a floor creaking, or the heat coming up, I would get all nervous thinking that it was Santa and I was still awake.
I remember how exciting it was, coming downstairs early Christmas morning, peaking around the corner to look underneath the tree, and see all the presents. I would literally sit there and play with my new toys all day long, only stopping to use the bathroom or to eat.
Some of my favorite presents that I received at Christmas during my childhood were my Huffy Wildfire bicycle, and when I was much younger, it was this toy called an ATV Explorer. I also received a nice wagon one year, not to mention when I was really little all the Fisher Price toys. We had them all, The McDonald's, the airport, the school, the farm, and I'm sure there were more.
I remember playing Santa when Ian was little. I still remember the look on his face when 'Santa' brought him his first drum set or the year he brought him his own TV for his room. Christmas memories are one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. I can sit back, stare at the Christmas tree, and still imagine all those old toys and presents under the tree.
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