Camping Is An Amazing Experience
As you may or may not know, I love camping. It started about 25 years ago or so when I was given a large used tent from my dad. At first, I just camped in areas around my hometown, but then decided to expand my horizons and travel to other states to tent camp.
One of my favorite places to tent camp is in the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. It is part of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and features some of the most spectacular views along the way. I would schedule at least a week to spend in one of the several campgrounds available to set up camp.
There are so many trails to choose from, ranging from easy to difficult and all lead to a fantastic view high above the valleys. One of my favorite parts of camping include meeting people from all over the United States and beyond.
One evening while I was sitting around a glowing campfire, a couple pulled into the site next to ours. Since it was dark, they were having trouble getting set up. So we decided to be good neighbors and help them out. They were very appreciative and mentioned that they had just come into the country on holiday from the United Kingdom and were tent camping their way through the United States.
We continued to camp for a few years, before packing away the tent, opting for a small pop out travel trailer. 20 years later, we're still camping, but of course it's not really camping in the true sense of a tent and sleeping bags.
Even though camping season is almost over for the season, there are still options in New York State for all season camping. The Parks and Trails New York website lists several parks that offer winter camping. Some offer cabins to rent. For me, the season will be over at the end of the month, but I have to say even with the pandemic messing all our lives, I got to enjoy a great camping season in 2020.

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