Broome Hosts Video Conference to Help Business Navigate New Mask Mandate
Broome County is looking to help local businesses deal with the newly issued mandate requiring patrons and staff of all establishments in New York State to wear face masks indoors regardless of vaccination status.
Broome County Executive Jason Garnar released a statement December 13, announcing the county will be hosting an informational session Wednesday, December 15 to educate businesses on what is expected of them under the temporary mandate.
December 10, New York Goveror Kathy Hochul ordered the mandate to take effect December 13 and continue through January 15 in response to the surge of COVID-19 cases throughout the state. Hochul says the mandate will be reviewed in January.

December 15, Broome Executive Garnar will be joined by officials with the County Health Department and Department of Emergency Services at 10:00 a.m. for the video conference via Zoom to provide a breakdown of what is expected under the order. Businesses will be able to ask questions during the session.
Registration is required ahead of the meeting; businesses can register at the following link: https://broome.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrd-mupzgpGtAweqLabFEBIWnFq3z-JI1y. Following registration, attendees will receive a confirmation email and link to the Zoom meeting.
When issuing the directive on Friday, Governor Hochul said the aim was to get control of the spread of the coronavirus while avoiding an economically devastating shutdown as had been experienced at the start of the pandemic in March 2020.
Garnar says: “It is the goal of Broome County Government to avoid any slow down or shut down of business like we saw last year. Education and ongoing communication will be key to accomplishing that goal.”
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