Boyfriend Takes off with Winning Lottery Ticket
Last fall, there was a couple in Ontario Canada that have been living together for over two years. According to the Toronto Star, the couple played the lottery regularly. The woman's name is Denise Robertson and her boyfriend at the time was Maurice Thibeault. Denise had heard on the radio that a winning ticket worth 4.9 million dollars was sold in their hometown of Chatham. She asked Maurice if it was one of the tickets he purchased. He said it wasn't.
The next day when she got home from work, he was gone. All his belongings were gone as well and his passport was missing too. Maurice did not respond to any of Denise's calls or messages. It turns out he had bought the winning ticket that won the 4.9 million dollar jackpot.
Denise is now suing him for half of the winnings. She claims they had an agreement to share the money if they ever won. regardless of which one of them paid for the ticket. His lawyer denies that they ever had such deal. It should be interesting to see how this plays out in court.
[via Toronto Star]
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