Are People In Pennsylvania Nicer Than People in New York?
Alright, I'm not trying to start a big discussion or an argument, this is just an observation, and not based on any scientific fact. My question is, are residents of Pennsylvania, nicer than residents of New York State?
I would imagine the quick answer from those not from New York, would be a resounding "Yes." We New Yorker's many times get a bad rap from people in other states in the nation. And several of them don't even understand the enormity of New York State. What I mean by that, is they think that Buffalo to New York City is a short skip and a hop.
What they don't realize is, there's a whole lot of land between Buffalo and New York City. I remember one time while camping at the foothills of the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, a local noticed the New York State license plates on my car, and proceeded to ask me about the bridge. I asked what bridge they were talking about, and he said "The Brooklyn Bridge, of course." Well, I had to burst his bubble that not everyone who lives in New York State, lives in New York City, and that I live in a small town in rural "Upstate New York." Although I do hate describing anywhere in New York State outside of New York City as " Upstate." We are the Southern Tier of New York!
Anyway, as you may know, for over ten years, I have spent most weekends and vacations camping in the northeastern part of Pennsylvania. At the campground, everyone waves to you as you go by, or loves strikes up a friendly conversation. Some people I have never spoken to, even know my name. When I go into the small towns for whatever reason, the people I encounter are so friendly and go out of their way to assist you if needed.
During these encounters, sometimes I find it hard to shed my New York attitude, but I do my best. We New Yorker's have a bit of a Grinch attitude built in, I believe. And we have a reputation to uphold, isn't that correct? Well, I think the good folks of Pennsylvania are making my heart a bit larger with every encounter. Who knows, maybe I'll pack up one day and become one of them. You know, a friendlier person with less New York attitude. Or maybe not.

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