And Now For Something Uplifting
This has not been a good week. So much happening that has everyone sad, shocked, upset, numb, and every other word you can think of that is depressing.
We all have been shocked by the tragedy in Las Vegas, the passing of Tom Petty and maybe unfortunate things that have happened in your personal life. For me, that has included the passing of an Aunt, news of a friend's cancer prognosis that will not improve, a friend's father passing away this week and a couple of my friends who have had a Greyhound pass away in the past week.
I have no words to express all that, except that it's mind numbing. So, even though we can't change what has happened, and certainly will never forget, maybe we can just take a short break with something to maybe make you smile or laugh, even if it's just for a few seconds.
I searched the video internet and found this from the NBC sitcom 'The Office' featuring 'Jim Pranks Dwight' clips. Check it out, and maybe it will take your mind off the sadness this week has brought us all, if only for a brief time.