You Can Golf with Freezone
Well, not on the same team but in the same tournament as me.
For the last 10 years or so I have been on the committee for our church's golf tournament which raises money for the youth of our parish. It helps the CYO programs at our church including; boys and girls basketball, volleyball, cheerleading and more, as well as other youth programs. A couple of years ago we extended the support from the golf tournament to help benefit some of the outreach programs at our church including our soup kitchen every Friday night, and our food pantry. All the programs that are funded by this tournament are open to everyone regardless of their religious beliefs.
It is an awesome tournament if I do say so myself. This year's date is Saturday, June 9th. at En-Joie Golf Course right across from our church. The afternoon flight is already sold out, but the morning flight still has space available for you or your team. Honestly, I'd rather golf in the morning because it's usually cooler. And, being that I live within walking distance of the golf course, I go home and take a shower after we are done playing, and then head back to the golf course to help with the afternoon flight. You can golf and then go do other things and come back for dinner. You can even bring other people to the dinner for an additional cost of $23. and they must be purchased in advance.
The tournament itself is only $85 per person which includes 18 holes of golf, cart, breakfast, and a dinner later that evening in our churches gym which includes drinks. There are a ton of prizes up for grabs and pretty much every team gets something. Then, we also have a big board which has some huge prizes. Plus there will be a 50/50, a putting contest, and prizes for the longest drive and closest to the pin.
It's open to men and women of all ages and it's always a good time. There are also sponsorship packages available if you are interested. Chris and I sponsor a hole every year in remembrance of a friend and former neighbor of ours who was the volleyball coach at our church for many years. So, if you golf, I hope you will consider golfing in the Our Lady of Good Counsel Tournament at En-Joie. Email me if you want more information on it, Jim@991thewhale.com
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