Woman Sends X-Rated Video to Facebook Friends Instead of Her Hubby
I think we've all sent a text to someone by mistake. Sometimes that could be embarrassing, but we can usually just laugh it off and explain that it was meant for someone else, and go back to our normal lives.
But I don't know if this woman will ever be able to live this down.
According to The Irish Sun, a woman named Zeinepa Galibova, who was in Bulgaria, decided to send her husband a sexy video while he was working in England.
Galibova used her cell phone to record herself getting frisky in bed and was planning on sending it to her husband as a surprise. It turned out to be a huge surprise for her husband and her 2000 Facebook friends.
Instead of sending the raunchy video in a private message to her husband, she accidentally posted it as her Facebook Story.
According to The Irish Sun, her 20-year-old son said he won't be able to return home for another 5 years because he is so embarrassed by what his mom did. The Irish Sun Also reported that her husband would not speak to her for days after seeing the post because he was so upset.
Her friends and family that saw the video on Facebook said that they are still in shock. Someone posted the video on YouTube, but it was removed from that platform because it violated their no nudity policy. So obviously there were some pretty graphic pictures in the video.
I can't imagine how embarrassed this woman, her son, her husband, and their family must be.
So next time you send a private message to someone by mistake, just think how much worse it could be. Also, if you plan on sending a kinky video to someone, make sure you double and triple check to make sure you are sending it to them and only them.
[via The Irish Sun