Will Buffalo Bills Fans Get To Attend A Playoff Game?
Buffalo Bills season ticket holders just may get to see a game this post season. According to the New York State Governor website and Buffalo Bills website, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a final pilot plan that would allow fans to attend the upcoming Buffalo Bills playoff game in January 2021.
Under the agreement according to the New York State Governor website, it would allow 6,772 fans to enjoy the game at Bills Stadium in Buffalo. 6,200 tickets will be available for purchase to Bills season ticket members who opted in earlier this season according to the Buffalo Bills website. There will be protocols to be met of course, including practicing social distancing and being masked at all times in the stadium after being tested for the coronavirus prior to entering. There will also be contact tracing after the game.
If you become one of those lucky fans, you will be required to put on your mask upon leaving your vehicle. You will be escorted out of the game if you take your mask off according to the Governor's website.
The Buffalo Bills are limiting tickets to season ticket holders for the game scheduled for either January 9th or 10th. This will be the first first playoff game to be played at Bills Stadium in 25 years, and is the first stadium re-opening pilot plan in the nation to require strict COVID-19 protocols for fans. Unfortunately, no pre game, game or post game tailgating will be allowed at the stadium.
The New York State Governor website also mentions that those who are lucky enough to get tickets to the game are reminded to avoid gatherings before, during and after the game as those events are prime spreaders for the coronavirus. For more information, visit the New York State Governor website or the Buffalo Bills website.
via The New York State Governor website and Buffalo Bills website