What You Need To Know When You Go Swimming This Summer
Temperatures are rising as we navigate through spring, and summer is just a little over a month away. One of the most fun parts of summer is spending time in the water, whether it's a pool, stream, creek, river, lake, or ocean.
And since it's been a long time since last season, now's a good time for a reminder of safe swimming and spending time in the water. The National Park Service has some good tips.
If you are swimming in an area with water currents, such as a river, lake, or ocean, you may think that those currents are easy to swim out of. That is not the case. The National Park Service reminds you that currents are fast-moving water. Even the best swimmer can tire out, and be swept away from shore. Lifejackets are recommended when swimming.
The National Park Service terms that "If I can see it, I can reach it." And that is also not always the case. The distance can be deceiving and any waves and currents will quickly tire anyone out. The best course of action is to stay close to shore.