Weekends Aren’t What They Used To Be
How was your weekend? Hopefully you got a chance to take a break and relax...at home. If you are working from home, then I imagine weekends aren't as fun as they used to be.
Since I still come into the radio station for a full day of work, spending two days at home can be a nice diversion for me. Although work does follow me home as it always has. I continue to do a weekend show, although this weekend, I did it from home using the wonderful magic of the internet. That was fun, adding in all the normal noises emanating from my house while I talk on the air.
On Sunday, gathered up all the bottles and cans that have been accumulating over the past couple of months, and bagged them up to be donated to the Broome County Humane Society. They are asking for returnable cans and bottles to be dropped off at their shelter at 167 Conklin Avenue in Binghamton now through this Saturday (April 25th.) Hours for drop off are from 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Your donations will help them raise much-needed funds. And yes, they will follow the Covid-19 rules when accepting your returnables.
Also, on Sunday, I decided it was time to start up the pond pump and filter system for my outdoor pond. Normally it's a quick job, taking less than 30 minutes to get up and running, but for some reason, the filter system wasn't cooperating. After I finally got the components back together and started up the water flow, leaks formed all around the top of the filter system. Apparently the plastic didn't survive the winter, since there were several hairline cracks on the lid.
For a moment, I lost my temper, unhooked the filter from the ponds and pump, and flung the contraption as far as I could (which was not far since it was full of water.) That didn't help anything. Oh well, the pond will have to do without a filter for the time being, and I need to count to 10 next time.

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