Today Is Tax Day!
Today is tax day. Have you filed your taxes yet? We usually get a refund every year so we do ours in February.
I’ve heard people refer to it as free money. No it’s not. It’s your money that you have overpaid and you are getting it back. Kind of like the stupid deposit on cans and bottles, but I digress.
Usually when we get our taxes back, we pay the maintenance fee on our time share in Myrtle, pay for our couples’ golf league at Conklin, and put some money towards vacation. Then, with the money left over, we will use that to treat ourselves to dinners out or a trip, or two, to Tioga Downs. This year when our accountant filed electronically, we received our return six days later. Usually it takes two weeks or so for the Federal, but it took less than one week. Usually the state taxes take four to six weeks, but this year they even came faster.
So if you haven’t done your taxes yet, remember you have until mid-night to have them postmarked. You might be able to file and extension still, but I don’t know that for sure. I would check with an accountant.
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