Thursday Is National Pet Day
The National Day Calendar lists that Thursday February 20th is National Pet Day. Unlike Valentine's Day, candy, flowers and dinner out is not gonna fly with my pets. OK, my dogs would love dinner out, but their food bowl manners are not pretty.
Can you imagine if we took our pets whenever we went out to dinner? I can see it now...small pets on top of tables, dogs barking, getting loose and creating havoc. No thanks.
My pets - a female Greyhound and a male Italian Greyhound will get some extra treats for the day, but not too much because apparently I've been accused of feeding them too much food. I have to cut down on their portion size come feeding time.
The National Day Calendar has suggestions on how to celebrate National Pet Day, including some good health tips. I'll be helping in that department later this month when my Italian Greyhound goes in to get his teeth cleaned.
My pets don't really need a national day, since they get pampered and spoiled every single day, but I suppose one day of special treats will be fine. They've got me wrapped around their paws anyway.