This Merlot Infused Coffee Will Tantalize Your Taste Buds
If coffee is what has been helping you survive these last few insane weeks of having to work from home...with the kids, if it's what helps you pry your eyes open and look somewhat human for your plethora of video conference calls, you're going to love this. If a glass at wine at night is something you like because of the flavor it leaves on your lips, you're really going to love this.

Uncommon Goods is selling Merlot infused coffee so that you can have the best of the coffee world and the best of the wine world whenever you want.
This Merlot infused coffee is made by aging Arabica beans in oak wine barrels so that they pick up the flavors of the Merlot wine which means after sipping on the coffee, your tongue is left with hints of currants and blackberries.
If you're hoping the Merlot infused coffee will give you a bit of a pick up in the form of a wine buzz, that's not going to happen. But maybe sipping on this flavorful coffee through the day will remind you that the end of your day isn't as far away as it seems.
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