The Pumpkin Stands For So Much More Than Halloween
Halloween is this Sunday and today, October 26th is "National Pumpkin Day." When we think about pumpkins what do you think about? Jack-o'-lanterns, pumpkin pie, a name that you call your kid?
Did you know that jack-o'-lanterns go back hundreds of years ago in Ireland? Back then, they made the jack-o'-lanterns out of turnips or potatoes. When Irish immigrants came to America, they found the pumpkin to be cheaper and easier to find.
Most of us associate pumpkins with Halloween but did you know that pumpkins were once recommended for removing freckles and snakebites? Back in the day, some Native Americans would use pumpkins as a doormat and pumpkin seeds for medicine.
Did you know that pumpkins are filled with nutrients that are not only good for humans but dogs and cats too? Pumpkins are easier to digest, so if your pet is having digestion issues, your vet may recommend pumpkin puree. I wouldn't take my word for it, ask your veterinarian about it first.
Poultry could also benefit from eating a raw pumpkin along with their regular feed during the winter months to help egg production. Once again, don't just take my word for it. As you can see, the pumpkin is so much more than just a Halloween decoration.
If you haven't started carving your pumpkin yet, here are some helpful hints to help keep your jack-o'-lantern around longer.
Blue Halloween Candy Bucket
By the way, if you see a blue pumpkin Halloween candy bucket, the child (or adult) may be autistic, you can read more about this awesome blue bucket here.
You may have gotten your pumpkin already but if you haven't then check out some of the local places below. Keep in mind that times and restrictions may have changed since last year, so call ahead to find the latest details at these locations.