The Most Ridiculous ’80s Hair Metal Moments
Ahh the ‘80s — the decade when debauchery reigned and hair was teased up to the stratosphere. Plenty of moments stick out as memorable from the decade, and we’ve rounded up some of the most ridiculous ones.
Ever hear the story of Jani Lane injuring his pecker onstage? During a Warrant gig, guitarist Joey Allen straddled Lane onstage while the singer was holding the mic near his manhood. “[It was] the worst pain I ever felt in my life,” Lane relayed to an interviewer. “I ran offstage and I pulled my pants down and there was blood everywhere and I went, ‘Oh my god, I’m never gonna have kids.’ They rushed me to the hospital… the nurse kept saying ‘who bit you?’”
What else needs to be said about the pool scene from The Decline of Western Civilization Part II? W.A.S.P.’s Chris Holmes was in a drunken spiral during the interview, chugging a bottle of vodka as he waxed poetic about not digging the person he was. His mom was even there for the insanity, and the enduring footage remains a talking point to this day.
We even included some wacky hair metal performances on public access TV. Ever hear the band Victim? You’ll absolutely love their ridiculous yet endearing performance of “Victim” filled with police sirens and odd bravado. On the flip side, Mystic Edge delivers a soulful ballad about believing in your dreams. They’ll come true, y’know.
Check out these ridiculous ‘80s hair metal moments in the Loud List below.
The Most Ridiculous '80s Hair Metal Moments
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