Spring Starts in 11 Days… Kind Of
This weekend we set the clocks ahead an hour with daylight savings time. That means we will have daylight further into the weekend. A week from Tuesday, March 20th. is the first day of spring already. Of course in the Binghamton area, it doesn't really feel like spring until May but that's beside the point.
I can't wait for spring. I'm already looking forward to hanging out at NYSEG Stadium on warm nights, drinking cold beer, and watching the Binghamton Rumble Ponies. I'm also looking forward to the start of our Monday night Golf League at Conklin Players Club. That should be starting up the first week of May. I'm really looking forward to golf season in general. I haven't swung a club since the Binghamton Devil's ACHIEVE Charity Golf Tournament back in October. Every year I say I'm going to golf more, but this year, I mean it.
I can't wait to just get outside and do anything. Even just hitting the Wine Trails is much more enjoyable in the spring than in the winter.
So even though the calendar says spring starts next Tuesday, for those of us who live in the Binghamton area, it won't feel like spring for many more weeks. Hopefully, we will have nice weather during April. But again, It IS Binghamton after all.
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