Broome County and the Southern Tier may be clear to enter into phase four of the business reopening following the complete shutdown to curb the spread of COVID-19, but it is not quite as expected. 

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Word has come that shopping malls, gyms and fitness clubs, theaters and bowling alleys will NOT be among businesses allowed to reopen.

Credit: demaerre via Getty Stock/ThinkStock
Credit: demaerre via Getty Stock/ThinkStock

The New York Forward website lists the guidance for low risk outdoor arts and entertainment like zoos, botanical gardens, nature parks, historic sites, outdoor museums, outdoor agritourism, local agricultural demonstrations and exhibitions and other similar low-risk institutions and activities, outdoor museums, historical sites, aquariums and other related institutions, medial production and businesses like motion picture, music, television and streaming productions on set or recording site and in-person higher education institutions like junior colleges, universities, graduate and professional schools, medical schools and technical schools.

Broome County Executive Jason Garnar, prior to the release of the Phase Four guidance late afternoon June 23, complained of a continued lack of communication from Albany to the regional control boards and local businesses.

Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News (file)
Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News (file)

Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon has been pushing for weeks to have the sprawling Destiny USA Mall in Syracuse reopened, saying the facility has more than enough room for safe social distancing and pointing to the huge amount of sales tax revenue to be generated by malls that is sorely needed by local governments.

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