This probably seems like a very random odd thing to write about. Well, that's because it is but have no fear, it will be entertaining for sure.

My friends and I had a pot luck dinner the other night and somehow got talking about scallops. What are they? What do they look like when we aren't eating them? How do they reproduce? Needless to say, we found some pretty interesting and disturbing answers.

Scallops come in a shell. It is actually a marine mollusk and they are found in every ocean. So think clams and oysters. The picture above is what they look like when they are in their shell.

Now comes the interesting freak deaky part. Scallops can be male, they can be female, they can be both male and female, and some start out as male when they are young and turn into females. Weird, I know.

Now, try to imagine scallops trying to mate. I give you the new sexual term of scalloping! Better then spooning and forking because hey, you don't really know what/who your getting into. Scallop away my friends, scallop away.

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