My Golf League Was Canceled for Tonight and I’m Glad
I hate golfing in the rain. Our golf league at Conklin was canceled tonight and I'm actually happy that it was.
I have rain gear, I have a cart cover to put over the cart when it rains, and I have a ton of golf towels, but golfing in the rain is just not my idea of fun.
One of my friends from high school that I used to golf with all the time, used to love golfing in the rain. He said it made it more challenging. Even though that might be true, it's still not my idea of fun. I golfed in one tournament where we teed off in the rain, and by the second hole my driver slipped out of my hand and actually went further than my drive.
I like golfing when the weather is perfect. My idea of perfect golf weather is sunny and 75. With a cold beer in my cart and no worries about keeping my grips dry or keeping the cart on the cart path.
If it's a hot summer day and midway through the round there is some light rain, that doesn't bother me. But when it's raining cats and dogs, and my clubs are soaked, and I'm soaked to the skin, I just want to hurry up and get the round over with and go home and take a warm shower.
So even though I was looking forward to golfing tonight, with the weather conditions being what they are, I would much rather make up the round on a nice warm sunny summer day.
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