Matthews Walk-A-Thon Helps Local Kid’s Charities
The Matthews Auto Group donated over $17,000 to local kid's charities from the Matthews Walk-A-Thon held at the Vestal Rail Trail on Saturday, October 12. Over 300 walkers took part throughout the day by walking on the Rail Trail and recording their total miles walked. Participants could accumulate miles during one session or take a break and return and walk again.
Over 1,700 miles were accumulated by walkers with Matthews Auto donating ten dollars per mile. Over $17,000 was raised and donated to five local kid's charities. Recipients include: Mom's House, A Room to Heal, Lourdes Camp Hope, Toys for Tots and Gigi's Playhouse. Checks were presented to all five of the charities to help support the contributions and work they do in our area helping children.
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