While I was on the air this morning, I saw pictures on Thrillist of new two Donuts being sold at Krispy Kreme that feature Reese's chocolate and peanut butter. I literally started salivating like Homer Simpson does when he sees donuts.

There is a down side though-- you'll have to drive quite a bit if you really want one. The closest Krispy Kreme to Binghamton that I know of is in Clarks Summit, just about an hour south down Interstate 81. There's also one in Scranton and this might be worth the trip.

When I saw them, I started having flashbacks to the old television commercial for Reese's peanut butter cups where the two men walking down the street bump into each other and say, “You put peanut butter in my chocolate, you put chocolate in my peanut butter." Now they are both in Donuts. Click here to see them.

Does Uber Eats deliver from Clarks Summit to Binghamton? If not, road trip anyone?

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to mop up this giant puddle in the studio.

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