I Tested Negative For Rabies, Waiting Now For Covid Results
I really am beginning to think that 2020 has it out for me this year. Sure I get that over the course of twelve months, crap can come many ways to a lot of people, but at some point, enough is enough.
My latest adventure began just after Thanksgiving with a scratchy throat. Didn't think much of it since I was otherwise occupied with the recent stray cat bite, and was awaiting the results of the rabies test.
Well, the scratchy throat went away, but I began having some pains in my stomach. After Thanksgiving, I had been eating a lot less that I normally do, probably due to stress, and figured maybe it's more hunger pains than anything else.
It didn't go away, even after the results came back from the rabies test as negative, so last Friday I went online to figure out how to sing up for a Covid test. Apparently there are several options and places to get it done in our area which is a good thing.
I already was not happy with someone sticking a cotton swab down my throat or up my nose. I'm a bit sensitive with those kind of things and occasionally have issues with gag reflex.
So, I began the process of filling out the application to get a Covid test done, and as I started, so did a countdown clock. I had 15 minutes to complete the application. What is this, a game show? You would think that would be sufficient time, but I was wrong. there was a lot to fill out, and toward the end, I was instructed to attach a picture of the front and back of my insurance card.
I was down to less than five minutes. I had to go find my card, take two pictures, e-mail them to myself, find them, upload them to the desktop, get them on the form and complete the application. I ended with two seconds to spare. Otherwise, I would have had to to it all over again.
All that just added to my stress and upset stomach. And my results don't come back form 3 or 4 days, so here I wait. Just another 2020 adventure.