I Can’t Wait for This Movie
People have been sharing the trailer for "The Happytime Murderers" on Facebook over the last week or so. When I first saw it I thought it was a joke. Then when I saw Melissa McCarthy and Joel McHale in the video, I thought somebody must have spent a lot of money to make this parity bit. It turns out it's not a parody, it's an actual movie that will be coming out soon. The actual release date is scheduled for August 17th.
If you get offended by the blue humor on South Park you might not want to go anywhere near the movie theaters while this movie is showing. The preview alone shows ejaculating puppets and violence too. Now I have a pretty sick sense of humor and when I first saw this preview I could not stop laughing. The owners of "Sesame Street" on the other hand are not as excited about this movie as I am.
According to CBS News, Sesame Workshop tried to sue the distributor STX Productions because they were using the tagline "No Sesame. All street" while promoting the film. According to CBS News, US District Judge Vernon Broderick ruled against Sesame Workshop saying he didn't think moviegoers would be confused and because Sesame Workshop didn't demonstrate that sponsors or parents were complaining. I get that, but I think it's a very fine line. "Sesame Street' is full of cute puppets that teach kids to be nice and respect each other. I would think the judge would have ordered them to stop using those two words, but he did not. By the way, the producer of the movie is Brian Henson, son of the late Jim Henson. As in the creator of the Muppets.
If you are into blue humor like I am, too, this might be the funniest movie you've seen since the original Ted.
[via CBS News]
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