How Long of a Wait Can You Expect at the DMV in Endicott
Nobody likes going to the DMV. Even before the Department of Motor Vehicles was shut down due to the Coronavirus outbreak, it seems to take a lot of time to do even the simplest things at the DMV, and there always seems to be a line when you go, especially at the end of the month.
Well since the DMV was closed down for approximately three months due to Covid-19, there has been a backlog of people trying to get their transactions, I'm sure many of them overdue, completed.
My stepson Ian went do the DMV on Washington Avenue in Endicott a week and a half ago. My wife Chris signed the car she bought for him over to him a couple of weeks ago. So he had to turn in his plates, get new plates, a new title, and a new registration for the car he's been driving for the last few years.
He went early in the morning and said the line was a block and a half long. It took him four hours from when he got in line, to get inside to get everything done he needed to get done, and then to leave the DMV.

My friend Chuck, who we refer to as Chuck the Led Zeppelin Guy in Endicott on air, went to the DMV this morning. Chuck's drivers license would have expired tomorrow so he had to go and get it renewed.
He said when he arrived at the DMV, which opens at 8, there was already a line forming. He arrived at 7:15 this morning. He counted over 40 people in line before they even opened the door.
The good news for Chuck was that even though he stood in line for 45 minutes, once they opened the door, it only took him 33 minutes to get his license renewed and leave the DMV.
So the good news is the wait time is getting shorter, bad news is, it's still going to take you longer than it did before the Coronavirus pandemic. And keep in mind if you're going to the DMV on the last few days of the month, it's probably going to take you even longer because of all the procrastinators. So you may want to bring a fold up chair with you if you have to go.
And please remember, it's not the fault of the employees working at the DMV. They weren't the ones that ordered the office closed which caused such a backlog. They're just men and women doing their job to make money to pay their bills and feed their children just like you do at your job. Please treat them the same way you would like to be treated at your place of business.
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