How I Spent My Anniversary Weekend
This Sunday was my 12th wedding anniversary. Chris and I spent just about the whole weekend together.
After work on Wednesday, Chris and I joined a couple of our friends and went out for trivia and drinks. Thursday after I got off the air, we had a few friends over our house for a cookout and games. Afterword we sat around the fire on our patio as we watched as our neighbors shot off fireworks.
Friday, after I got off the air, we came back downtown to July Fest so we could check out Terry Walker's Steely Dan tribute band, Dupree. After that, Chris and I went out for dinner and a few drinks before calling it a night.
Saturday, we went to a friend's house for a cookout he had had a great time there. Even though Tom the Electrician and I lost two games of cornhole to Chris and a female friend, we still had an awesome time.
Sunday, we did some volunteering at our church and then made our way to Ithaca for dinner overlooking the lake at one of the wineries. On the way home we stopped at a casino. We watched as guy sat down at the machine next to Chris, as soon as I got out of the chair. He dropped 20 bucks in the machine and won $4,800.
All in all it was a great anniversary weekend that would have been much better if I stayed on that machine a little bit longer.
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