New York Governor Kathy Hochul says no health care facilities in the state have closed since the mandate requiring workers get at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine took effect on Monday, September 27.

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Many operators and advocates of hospitals, nursing homes and other health care facilities in New York feared a mass exodus of workers jeopardizing care as the state requirement of vaccination in order to maintain employment was implemented at the end of the day September 27.

Kathy Whyte/ WNBF photo
Kathy Whyte/ WNBF photo

Governor Hochul says the administration is working with facilities to ensure they remain operational.

A release from the Governor’s office reports, as of Wednesday morning ,87 percent of hospital staff are fully vaccinated and 92 percent have had at least one dose. 92 percent of nursing home staff were said to have at least one dose and 89 percent of adult care facilities staff were reported receiving at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Democrat’s office says within the State University of New York system, all facilities have made adjustments to their operations in order to maintain critical services.

There had been reports of cuts in non-essential services, however.  Things like elective surgeries, lab service and even delivery rooms have reportedly been shut down in the face of staff shortages.

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