Getting Prepared For A Long Tough Winter
Well, it's still the fall season, but it seems like fall ended back in October, and winter has been with us since. Already we've seen a lot of snowfall, ice storms, and bitter cold temperatures.
Winter officially begins at 5:19pm on Saturday December 21st, and if the weather continues on the path it's been over the past month or so, it's going to be a long, cold, snowy and icy winter.
The Farmer's Almanac is predicting a cold, wintery mix for the northeast portion of the country, which obviously is right where we live. Wonderful. I'm ready for it though. Probably more than I have in a long time.
This year, I've got two snow shovels, lots of ice melt and rock salt, and for the first time ever in my life, a snowblower. Granted it's small and old, but it runs and it's one of those that give you the option of plugging in electric to get it started with a key. Sure beats tugging on the cord a million times to try to get it started.
I've used the snowblower once this season. It was during the storm that dumped close to a foot of snow where I live. What I didn't know, was that when the snow is heavy and wet, the chute of the snowblower tends to clog up. That was not a fun experience. I couldn't get more that a couple of feet before it clogged up again.
According to a friend, there are products you can buy to spray the inside of the shute to help keep the snow flowing through. I will have to try that. Also, it helps if you are moving the snowblower quickly through the snow. Not an easy task when the snow is about a foot high.
Well, have a happy, fun winter. The day counter on my desk says 133 days until camping season begins. Oh boy.
Via the Farmer's Almanac