How To Properly Get Rid Of Electronics And Other Hazardous Items In Broome County
Would you call it being lazy if I told you that I have a bunch of old electronic items that no longer work, tucked away in various places around my home and sheds, that should have been recycled a long time ago?
Well, I am a busy person, and finding time to take all that stuff to the Broome County Landfill is tough. You probably aren't going to accept that excuse, and you're right. There are probably a lot of people who, like me, have stuff that needs to go to the landfill as well.
Did you know there are free drop-off days each month for household hazardous waste at the Broome County Landfill? It's true. Here are the details:
This Is Household Hazardous Waste
According to the Go Broome County website, household hazardous waste includes things like oil-based paint and thinners, pesticides, fertilizers, pool & hobby chemicals, and cleaners. The Broome County Hazardous Waste facility is a safe place for these items to go because otherwise, these items pollute water resources and are a risk to health safety.
Where and When To Drop Off Hazardous Waste For Free
The Broome County Landfill hazardous waste facility is located at 286 Knapp Road in Binghamton. There are several dates that are free drop-off days throughout the year for both Broome and Tioga County residents with hours from 7:30 am to 11:30 am, but Tioga County residents are only allowed on the free days between the months of April to November.
March 12, 26
April 6, 9, 23
May 4, 7, 21
June 1, 4, 18
July 6, 9, 23
August 3, 6, 20
September 7, 10, 24
October 5, 8, 22
November 2, 5, 19
December 7, 17
Who Is Eligible To Drop Off Hazardous Waste on Free Drop-Off Days
This is for residential use only for those who live in Broome and Tioga County. If you own a business, call for information and cost at 607-763-4460. Both Broome and Tioga County residents are asked to fill out and bring the confirmation letter with them. By the way, the charge for hazardous waste & electronics on any day that is not a free drop-off day, the charge is $5.00.
How About Electronic Material Drop-Offs At The Broome County Landfill?
You can drop off several types of electronics including, but not limited to computers, televisions, cell phones, handheld games, printers, radios, fax machines, and keyboards. For the complete list of electronics accepted along with what's not accepted, in addition to forms, and other pertinent information about recycling, visit the Go Broome County website.
via Go Broome County
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