Foodie Friday Grillin’ With Scallops and Radicchio
Summer cooking season can mean a delicious pairing of seafood and, yes, greens, done on the grill.
Grilled Scallops and Radicchio with Capers (Prep. time15 minutes. Serves 2, but can be easily expanded)
½ lb. large scallops
1 head radicchio
3 cloves of garlic, left whole and in their skins
3 Tb. olive oil
1 Tb Balsamic vinegar
salt, pepper
juice of ½ lemon (some before cooking and some after)
3 Tb. capers
sliced Italian bread
Bring grill to medium-high heat. Slice the tip off the garlic cloves. Place the cloves on a square of aluminum foil and drizzle with a little vinegar. Loosely wrap the cloves in the foil and place on the grill. Cut the radicchio into quarters. Place in a grill basket. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper and place in a grill basket. Put the seasoned radicchio on the grill. Coat the scallops with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and squeeze a little lemon over them before placing them in the grill basket on the grill. (If you don’t have a grill basket, place a non-coated cooling rack, cross-ways across the grates on the grill to keep the scallops and radicchio from falling through). Turn the scallops after about two minutes and cook another 2 minutes on the other side. Turn the radicchio after about three minutes and continue to cook until wilted and tender. When everything is just about done with the scallops opaque and a little firm, put slices of Italian bread on the grill to toast both sides. Remove the garlic from the grill and drizzle the oil from the garlic on the bread, squeeze the garlic out of the skin and spread on the bread. Drizzle a little more oil on the bread, if needed. Plate the radicchio and scallops. If you have some garlic left, spread a little on the scallops. Drizzle a little olive oil and Balsamic vinegar over the scallops and radicchio. Follow with another squeeze of lemon and scatter the capers on top.
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