Reminising About Favorite Concert Experiences
We asked The Whale Nation recently on the Whale Facebook page what was their first concert experience. Many of you chimed in, and there were some interesting answers, including one person who attended Woodstock in 1969.
I would have loved to be a part of the original Woodstock experience, but I was only 14 at the time, and I can't even imagine my parents letting me go to a concert that would taake over 2 hours to get to. Plus, no one I knew would have been willing to make the journey to Bethel.
As I scrolled down the list of all the first concert experiences from Whale listeners, I started to reminise about some of the most exciting concerts I've been to, and a couple that I missed out on and regret it.
I got to see The Who in concert twice. The first time was at Bullalo Stadium. I was seated on one end of the stadium and the stage was way over on the other end. I could barely see the band. I did bring binoculars, and was glad that there were huge monitors to see The Who up close. The other time was at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse. I was much closer and enjoyed that show a lot better. They really rocked the Dome that night.
My favorite concert was also at the Carrier Dome. The year was 1994 and the band on stage was Pink Floyd. It was during their Division Bell tour, and what a show it was. The effects were awesome and a great compliment to the music from one of the best rock bands ever.
And the band I have had several opportunities to see, but regettably have not, is Lynyrd Skynyrd. For one reason or other, I have just not made the effort, but hopefully will get the opportunity again soon when concerts begin to return. And we really need our concerts back.
HISTORIC: Check Out The Best Images of Woodstock Museum at Bethel Woods for the Arts