Cornell Student Monitored for Possible Corona Virus
An off-campus Cornell University student is in isolation as samples for the Novel Coronavirus are tested.
University officials issued a statement February 3 saying the student presented symptoms and is receiving ongoing care.
Vice president for student and campus life, Ryan Lombardi and assistance vice president for student and campus life for health and wellbeing, Sharon McMullen said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention testing could take up to a full week before results come back.
According to the Cornell Chronicle, the University is working with the Tompkins County Health Department to monitor the student and anyone who has had close contact with the patient will be contacted by the county health department.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo February 4 said there had been 17 suspected incidents with samples sent to the CDC for testing. Eleven samples have come back negative. Three samples from New York City and three samples from areas outside of New York City are still pending.
The Democrat this week also announced New Yorkers can call a hotline at 1-888-364-3065 where Department of Health experts will be available to answer questions about the Corona Virus.
There has been concern voiced by health care experts globally about misinformation that people may be finding when turning to online searches about the virus that has sickened and killed hundreds, mainly in China where the illness originally appeared.
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