Celebrity Sighting in Upstate New York! Have You Bumped Into This Actor?
Have you ever randomly bumped into a celebrity? I don't mean a planned thing like a meet & greet, I'm talking about going about your daily routine and "oh wow! There's so and so!" When it happens it's kind of surreal, like being a kid and seeing your teacher at the grocery store.
If you are in Central New York you have a good chance to running into actor Danny Trejo. This dude has been on our screen since the mid-eighties and is rumored to be in New York to work with American High on his latest film. Check out his Syracuse sightings below.
We see celebrities on TV and in movies so often that we start to feel we know them even when we have never met them. With Danny Trjo, also known as Machete, we have seen him along side Robert Deniro, Al Pacino and George Clooney to name a few.
Here's Danny, less than a week ago, "acting" as our local New York weatherman.
Where do celebrities eat when they are away from home shooting a movie? The same places you and I eat. Danny Trejo has been spotted at Dinosaur BBQ in Syracuse and Second Chance Diner in Camilus.
It's also very important to stay in shape. Danny Trejo is 77-years-old and hitting the gym! Here he is at Blink Fitness in Onondaga.
Maybe Danny will make his way to the Capital Region. With this writing, I am officially inviting him to come to Saratoga Beer Week, take in a show at The Egg or grab food at one of our fine restaurants. We have a Dinosaur BBQ in Troy, just saying.