Broome Legislature Schedules County Budget Public Hearing
Broome County residents have a chance to comment on the proposed county budget this week via email or at a videoconferencing public hearing.
The Legislature has scheduled a public hearing for 5 p.m. Thursday, October 14 on the 2022 budget.
Part of the spending plan includes the proposed salaries for County Executive, District Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk and Legislators.
The top wage in the 2022 budget plan is the District Attorney’s pay at $200,400 followed by Sheriff at $99,402, County Executive at $92,083 and County Clerk at $88,978. Legislators are to get paid $12,500 while the chair of the Legislature gets an additional $7,500 for the added duties.

County Executive Jason Garnar September 16 presented his $409 million budget proposal that calls for a tax reduction for the fourth consecutive year. The plan reduces the property tax levy by .12% and eliminates short-term borrowing. The proposal also has a heavy focus on infrastructure spending.
The virtual hearing will be held via Zoom video conference.
Find the meeting sign-in code here: meeting ID 831 7716 6984. Phone-ins are at 1-646-558-8656.
Written comment can be submitted by emailing the legislature at LegClerk@BroomeCounty.US or mailed to the Clerk of the County Legislature, P.O. Box 1766, Binghamton, NY 13902.
Copies of the budget are available at the Legislative Clerk’s office on the 6th floor of the county office building and at www.gobroomecounty.com/legis/budget.
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