Broome County Goes Over Park Survey Results
Bob Joseph/WNBF News [file][/caption]Officials with the Broome County Department of Planning say there were a lot of positive responses to a recent survey regarding the County’s parks.
891 surveys were completed and 300 comments and ideas submitted.
Some of the more constructive comments involved a lack of natural settings in Broome that attract people to other facilities outside the area.
The most popular recreational activities were said to be hiking, walking, running, nature observation and boating with an overwhelming majority rating Broome’s parks as a whole as “excellent” or “good” and park cleanliness as “excellent” or “good”.
Respondents put at the top of the list of add-ons: a fitness track, off-leash dog park and bicycle rentals.
The Planning and Parks and Recreation Departments say, based on the response, they will look at new trail signs, paved parking areas, better rest rooms, improved access to river for paddling and boating and ways to encourage more visits to Broome County facilities.
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