I happened to go on TMZ.com, this morning and noticed that people were making a big fuss over Marilyn Manson.  Yeah, he performed some Doors tunes with THE Doors this past weekend. Yeah, he sounded a lot like Jim Morrison. Of course he did! He was singing WITH the Doors! TMZ alluded to Manson being the "reincarnated" Morrison.  I am sorry to say, Marilyn was 2 when Morrison died.  No reincarnation there. I will certainly tip my hat to Marilyn Manson for nailing an impersonation of Jim Morrison and honoring the Doors music so well, but that's it.  There will only ever be one Jim Morrison and he died in 1971.

I will never understand, when we lose a talent the caliber of Jim Morrison or Jimi Hendrix, why it is a must that we replace them; why we have to look for the "next" Jim Morrison. The reality is, there is a reason we are all unique.  There can be no replacement and there shouldn't be.

Now that I've shared my thoughts, I leave it to you to decide.  Are there two Jim Morrisons?

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