Kemper is a 24-year-old Suicide Girl from California who spends most of her free time on a very sexy quest that we'd like to join her on.

NAME: Kemper Suicide
AGE: 24

LOCATION: California, USA

HOMETOWN: Orange County

STATS: 5'2"/ 35-23-35/ 100 lbs/ red hair/ green eyes

BODY MODS: Tattoos, implants

HEROES: Wonder Woman

GETS ME HOT: Grammar and punctuation.


I LOST MY VIRGINITY: No I didn't, I know exactly where I left it.

MY KINK FACTOR: Talk dirty to me...

INTO: Carcharodon carcharias, puppies, central air, fiction, privacy.

NOT INTO: Indoor pools, Jar Jar Binks, lack of personal space, fruits & veggies, and rude, arrogant, pushy people.

MAKES ME HAPPY: My dogs, breakfast, happy hour, sleeping in, and tots x infinity.

5 THINGS I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT: Vibrator, car, sleep, chapstick, my dogs.

VICES: Procrastinating, masturbating, procrasturbating & being a total creeper.

I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Searching for the mythical clitoris.

Kemper Suicide Girl Free Pics
Kemper Suicide Girl Free Pics

SuicideGirls is a community that celebrates alternative beauty and alternative culture from all over the world. Since 2001, tens of thousands of models have submitted millions of photos to their website hoping to become SuicideGirls.

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