I find it a fun challenge to figure out what an abbreviation stands for.

There are so many in every industry.
For example, in my business of Radio:
FM - Frequency Modulation
AM - Amplitude Modulation
TT - Turntable
CT - Cart (similar to an 8 track tape player)
PD - Program Director (what I used to be called)
BM - Brand Manager (what my new title is)
PGM - Program
DB - Decibel
DJ - Disc Jockey
VDJ - Video Disc Jockey

Abbreviations are all around us, and especially now in the digital world with texting shortening up words like 'you' becoming 'u' and 'our" - 'r."

But well before that, there have been many abbreviations that are quite easily figured out, and some that are not.
Here are some I found that you may or may not have known.

BMW - Bavarian Motor Works (translated from Bayerische Motoren Werke)
CVS - Consumer Value Stores
M&M's - Mars & Murrie (the last names of the founders of the candy)
ZIP (as in code) - Zone Improvement Code
AGI - Adjusted Gross Income
CPTR - Competitor
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
FERPA - Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
PSTL - Postal
TKT - Ticket
VLDC - Valedictorian

As for text abbreviations, here are a few (who comes up with these, anyway?)

ABTA - Meaning Good-bye (signoff)
AYSOS - Are you stupid or something?
BBIAS - Be back in a sec
D46? - Down for sex?
DYNWUTB - Do you know what you are talking about?
GMBA - Giggling my butt off
KWSTA - Kiss With Serious Tongue Action
RMETTH - Rolling My Eyes To The Heavens
STBY - Sucks To Be You
TAF - That's All, Folks

There's even an abbreviation for Abbreviation - ABRV

So now you've learned something today...YW (you're welcome.)

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