I am a huge baseball fan. When the steroid era "blew up" baseball, I was mad. Very mad.
Apparently, so were baseball writers. Yesterday the results of voting for the Hall of Fame were released. To everyone's surprise, not one single player got voted in.

I'm just wondering why everyone was surprised. All the players were from the steroid era. It was a time in baseball where you either did steroids or closed your eyes to it. Curt Shilling was on the ballot and said that it was everyone's fault. He gets it. He was there.

They sullied the game I love. Not cool. And they made insane money doing it. Even worse!
So how do we separate the guilty players from the not guilty? We can't. I don't care what the Courts say. In one way or another those that went through trials contributed to the problem. Roger Maris and his record deserved better.

Which leads me to this: back in Maris' day, the players were out there for the duration. So were the pitchers. Complete games were common, now it's a huge accomplishment. Really? As far as I am concerned the punishment of this era should not stop with a non-entry into the Hall of Fame. All records broken during the era should not count. We don't know if they were truly broken or not.

Props to the Hall of Fame Voters who sided with the fans and let no one in. Ya did good!


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