What time is it? IT'S TEBOW TIME!

I have often tried to figure out why NFL fans and New York Jets fans hate Tim Tebow that much. I don't particularly enjoy watching football or Tim Tebow but it strikes me as odd that there seems to be so many people talking about Tebow yet there really isn't too much controversial about him that I can tell. He seems like a nice, religious well mannered guy to me!


I thought to myself, why not ask my male intern Luke why Tebow is so hated. Here is what Luke had to say:

1. He's a lefty. Micheal Vick and Tim Tebow ar the only lefty's in the NFL and Vick was a dog beater. Apparently, this means all lefty's are not desirable people.

2. Can't throw the ball right. Tebow's form is terrible and he takes too long to release the football.

3. His Tebowing move is lame. Is he praying? Is he not? We're not sure.

4. He runs the ball.As a quarterback, Tebow shouldn't be running the ball, that's a running backs job.


Please keep in mind that I have no idea about football or Tim Tebow. If you have any disagreements with my list, please feel free to write a comment directed at my poor, poor intern Luke below!


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