Look guys, I know you don't really get into the whole speed dating thing. But let's face it, the guy to girl ratio is definitely in your favor for the Red Hot Singles Mingle this Thursday night at Number 5. And if you are one of the nearly 75% of single American guys that would like to be in a relationship, this would be the place to start.

Like I say frequently, you have to try new things to get what you want in life! If you want to test the waters or find a long term girlfriend, just take this leap. Has what you're doing now worked? I didn't think so.

The best thing about the Singles Mingle? You can just check things out if you want to, be a wall flower or fully participate in everything. If you've never speed dated, it's kind of fun.

Be there! Red Hot Singles Mingle, at Number 5, Thursday from 6 to 9 pm

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