Well… why throw it out?????
Soooo... with life as a Morning Show DJ... You never know what you're gonna find each day! It's always driving off into the unknown, opening a door to the unexpected, walking into a
breakroom with a dead fish!
Over my 20-some years in radio, I have come to work and found many items that should not have been left at work. Half eaten pizzas, macaroni salad left out for the weekend, underwear... (the common thread here is that not all are edible! Well.... NO, NOT EDIBLE)
So it shouldn't be to my surprise that I came to work this morning and found this... DEAD FRICKEN FISH, in a cup of water on the counter in the break room!! WHY THROW IT OUT?? I mean.. the garbage is all the way over there.... AT LEAST 2.3 FEET FROM THE COUNTER. It would have been to long to have to walk. MAYBE someone is planning a proper burial in another room, down the hall?? that's got to be it... I probably just didn't get the invite to the Memorial for Fred the Fish. Poor, poor, Fred!
So what did I do... this sad, sad morning of the day after poor Fred's departure???
I left him right where I found him! Why... lunch isn't that far away and the microwave is WAY within 2.3 feet!