UPDATE: Dog Thrown From SUV Has Leg Amputated
There is an update on the two beagles thrown from that moving SUV on Interstate-81 Southbound earlier this week.
The Broome County Humane Society is caring for both dogs, and the dog that was more severely injured, Trooper, had to have one of his legs amputated.
According to WBNG TV, surgeons tried to save both legs that which were fractured but the one leg was too severely damaged to save. "Trooper", who was named that in honor of the State Troopers that responded to the call Wednesday on I-81 South between Marathon and Whitney Point, also has broken ribs and bruised lungs.
The other beagle, that was named Adam after the truck driver that stopped and helped save the dogs' lives, suffered road rash and is expected to make a full recovery.
Karen Matson, The Broome County Humane Society Director told WBNG TV:
This is not at all acceptable, Trooper is in dire straits right now and it’s unnecessary, and none of us like to see it, it’s the sad reality of this business, but we’re doing the best we can with the help from the community to try to get him the care that he needs...What’s very endearing about this is that the gentleman who saved him on the highway is very interested in making his home the forever home for these dogs.
According to WBNG TV, police are asking for help in tracking down the person or persons responsible. Anyone with information is asked to call the New York State Police barracks in Homer at 607-749-1614.
I haven't heard of any update regarding the video from the truck drivers dashcam. But I hope the State Police will be able to use that to identify the owner of the vehicle.
I hope they catch these scumbags and put them in jail for a long time to come. I personally believe there will be a special place in hell waiting for them when their time is up.
[via WBNG]
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