Troopers Rescue Hikers in Delaware County
Two New York State Troopers from the Margaretville Barracks are credited with rescuing two hikers who became lost in Delaware County with night closing in and their cell phones failing.
According to a posting on the New York State Police Facebook page, authorities received a 911 call at around 7:35 p.m. October 4 from the hikers who had become lost in the Huckleberry Loop trails. Cell service was poor and the hikers' cell phone was at about 2% battery life.
Troopers Crystal Rhodes and Chris Amendolare responded to the call with Trooper Rhodes first using the lights and sirens from her vehicle to try to point the lost pair in the right direction for help. Trooper Amendolare, meanwhile, was knocking on doors in the area to see if any of the residents had been in the area and seen the hikers.
The two Troopers then decided they had to hit the steep trail themselves in the dark, armed with flashlights.
They were joined by a New York State Forest Ranger and finally located the hikers at around quarter after 12 the next morning, close to five hours after the distress call went out.

The two hikers were brought back to their vehicle safely.
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